What is Garden cress

Garden cress

Garden cress is the tiny plant that sprouts from a seed when it has just germinated. Its shape is characterised by a remarkable simplicity: two tiny green leaves on an elegant stem. In general, garden cress is consumed uncooked and is easy to combine with a wide range of dishes. The taste is full, fresh and spicy, somewhere between mustard and radish. A little garnish of garden cress can impart a real lift to any dish. Thanks to its bright green colour your dish will also acquire a crisp, fresh and delicious look. Bon appétit!

Brimful of vitamins and minerals

As well as being very tasty, garden cress is also extremely healthy. Few vegetables are so packed with vitamins. For example one hundred grams of garden cress will give you 500% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K. For vitamin C this is 83% and for vitamin A this is 43%. Garden cress is also full of carotenoids, which are also transformed into vitamin A in the body, so one hundred grams of garden cress will in total deliver more than 100% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin A. Garden cress is also full of minerals. For example one hundred grams of garden cress will ensure you receive 26% of your daily recommended intake of manganese and for calcium this is 13%. How much more healthy can it get?

Medicinal uses

From western Asia, garden cress was originally best known for its medicinal qualities. In European herbal medicine garden cress quickly came to prominence as a medicinal solution for the relief of anaemia, bladder infections, constipation, coughing and poor appetite. 

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