
Micro sensations 

Our selection of cresses is exceptional. Not only do we daily deliver products of the very highest quality, they simply also taste superb. Our ‘Micro Sensations’ guarantee a taste sensation on your clients' plates; sensational taste, fragrance and colour, making them an invaluable addition to your selection palette.

Private label

Do you require your products to be packed and marketed under a private label? Or do your clients have their own packaging arrangements? No problem! Or if for example you require themed or concept packaging we would be delighted to assist you, particularly when selecting cresses best suited to supporting your idea. We always look forward to the opportunity of working in tandem with you to fine-tune your wishes. At Cresco your desire is key!


With our smartly organised distribution division and our own transport fleet, we can guarantee rapid delivery times. This allows you to act fast and always be nimbly on your toes for whatever the market demands.

If you would like to know more about our packaging and distribution options, please contact us by email at or call +31 174 - 625956.

Micro sensations