Product tractability

When sowing, harvesting and packing we record our cresses in batches. This means that our products can always be traced to our company in the chain and of course we are always proud and happy to have our products linked to our company. The kind of confidence that inspires you, our client, as well as your customers, the end consumers.

Passion and service

Our company has modernised over the years, however some things never change. Cresco's central values remain what they always have been and are still cherished today; cultivation with a passion underpinned by a love for the product. Today, as in previous times, our clients can rely entirely on us; always. Service with a capital S. And if it is within our power, we try every day to do just that little bit extra, run just that bit faster.

We are certainly not satisfied until your customers are. Our clients truly appreciate our tireless approach. And it is with good reason that consumers, chefs and caterers worldwide use our cresses for their finishing touch. From Denmark to Dubai, from France to Lithuania. Cresco makes the world more delicious.

Book a visit

If you would you like to see how we do things in practice, we always welcome the opportunity of showing you around our wonderful company and logistics centre. Please contact us by email at 

Micro sensations