
Sustainable to the roots

We work with respect for man, nature and the environment; for us the most straightforward and normal thing in the world. For example, we never use pesticides. We are also Global-Gap certified and all our garden cresses carry the EKO quality symbol. For reasons of hygiene we avoid using surface water, preferring tap water in the cultivation process to limit the possibility of external negative influences and to safeguard the highest quality.


We set our personal bar high when it comes to the quality and the safety standards of our products: the production process is meticulously checked, rechecked and recorded every day. In practice this means our production processes comply with GlobalGap.

GlobalGAP means: Global Good Agricultural Practice. These are a set of demands which agricultural companies are required to adhere to worldwide; a benchmark for food safety, sustainability and quality. SGS Nederland monitors the performance.


Our hygiene protocol ensures that all departments within our company are scrupulously hygienic. Cresses can only grow in clean conditions. Cresco operates an integrated hygiene programme and we work in strict accordance with the HACCP (Hazard Analyses Critical Control Points) standards.

Global Gap certified by: SGS Nederland BV

EKO quality label

Cresco has been awarded the Skal EKO quality label. Skal is an independent international organisation which checks and certifies garden cress production processes. Our garden cress production is wholly organic.

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